
Showing posts from October, 2018


Importance of time Meaning of the time Time value is most important in the life. Everyone has to respect and understand the time value because time can give the reaction of evil as well as good. Some persons understand the meaning and importance of life. Learn to enjoy every minute of your life. Be happy now. Don’t wait for something outside of yourself to make you satisfied in the future. Think how precious is the time you have to spend, whether it’s at work or with your family. Every minute should be enjoyed and savored.   Time is measured by the hours, days, years and so on. Time helps us to make a good habit of organizing and structuring our daily activities. No one can escape the passing of time. We all subjected to aging and mortality. Time plays a significant role in our lives. If we better understand the time value, then it can gain experience and develop skills over time. Time can also heal things whether external wounds or feelings. Time is that ultimate

Benefits of beer

The health  benefits of beer Beer  is more nutritious than other alcoholic drinks. ... Beer  can help protect your heart. ... Beer  helps prevent kidney stones. ... Beer  lowers bad cholesterol. ... Beer  strengthens your bones. ... Beer  helps reduce stress. ... Beer  may help improve memory. ... Beer  helps cognitive function. The 12 benefits of drinking beer: 1. Beer keeps your kidneys healthy A Finnish study singled out beer among other alcoholic beverages, finding that it was better for your kidneys. In fact, each bottle of beer you drink reduces the risk of developing kidney stones by 40%. 2. Beer for better digestion Beer, and especially dark beer, contains up to one gram of soluble fibre* in each 30 cl glass - unlike wine, which doesn’t contain any fibre at all. Fibre plays an important role in intestinal transit (a fibre deficiency can cause gastric and intestinal disorders such as constipation or diarrhoea). 3. Beer to lower your bad cholesterol

A full packet of cigaretee

An unlit, filtered cigarette   A  cigarette  is a narrow cylinder containing psychoactive material, usually  tobacco , that is rolled into thin paper for  smoking . Most cigarettes contain a "reconstituted tobacco" product known as "sheet", which consists of "recycled [tobacco] stems, stalks, scraps, collected dust, and floor sweepings", to which are added glue, chemicals and fillers; the product is then sprayed with  nicotine  that was extracted from the tobacco scraps, and shaped into curls. [1]  The cigarette is ignited at one end, causing it to smolder and allowing smoke to be inhaled from the other end, which is held in or to the mouth. Most modern cigarettes are  filtered , although this does not make them safer. Cigarette manufacturers have described cigarettes as a drug administration system for the delivery of nicotine in acceptable and attractive form. [2] [3] [4] [5]  Cigarettes are addictive (because of nicotine) and cause  cancer

Bottle of Beer

Schlenkerla  Rauchbier, a traditional  smoked beer , being poured from a  cask Beer  is one of the oldest [1] [2] [3]  and most widely consumed [4]   alcoholic drinks  in the world, and the third most popular drink overall after  water  and  tea . [5]  Beer is  brewed  from  cereal grains —most commonly from  malted   barley , though  wheat ,  maize  (corn), and  rice  are also used. During the brewing process,  fermentation  of the  starch   sugars  in the  wort  produces  ethanol  and  carbonation  in the resulting beer. [6]  Most modern beer is brewed with  hops , which add bitterness and other flavours and act as a natural  preservative  and stabilizing agent. Other flavouring agents such as  gruit , herbs, or fruits may be included or used instead of hops. In commercial brewing, the natural  carbonation  effect is often removed during processing and replaced with forced carbonation. [7] Some of humanity's earliest known writings refer to the production and distribu